Block Clearance Therapy2025-03-07T18:12:17+00:00

Block Clearance Therapy

Block Clearance Therapy

Our Mind, like a tree, grows as we grow.

Block Clearance Therapy is a unique approach that allows us to explore the patterns of our mind.  Just like branches on a tree, some of our thoughts and experiences become stronger and firmer than others.

Some ideas bear fruit, and some need to be pruned.

We place our lives within cycles like growth rings.  The current climate, our environment, our position and those we choose to surround ourselves with;  all these participate in our shape and health and the direction we lean.

When we find ourselves blocked in one direction we have the ability to choose a different direction and branch out anew.

Below ground, just like tree roots, we are taught and have learned the value of networking to stay connected and vibrant.

We are strong and useful and matter in the world.

When we are old our spirits, like leaves, we wither and die and return to the energy from which we came.

Our conscious mind enables us to make choices – to decide whether we want to do something, or not.

Our subconscious mind controls our instinctive reactions, our core behaviours, patterns and perceptions.

The subconscious mind sets up its patterns and perceptions early on.  It bases its decisions on our responses and reactions to our individual experiences from the womb to the age of 5.  Once it has set up a pattern of behaviour based in what if feels is “right” it will fight very hard to repeat that pattern over and over again.  It genuinely sees its job as knowing how to anticipate any outcome based in past event experiences as the key to keeping us safe and alive.  Even if alive isn’t always happy!

Our conscious mind deals with the present.  That which is yet to be experienced.  We pick experiences to learn from.

Sometimes our conscious mind wants to take a risk.

But if or when that risk doesn’t work out, subconscious will be the first to wriggle its finger and start the inner voices of self-punishment.

Subconscious slams the door SHUT on the experience as a dangerous negative and locks it away, believing this is the only way to keep you “safe”.

When our conscious and subconscious minds work together we feel strong, powerful, full of energy, and able to achieve.

However, when our conscious and subconscious minds go into their battle of change and blame it can be quite a fight!

We are left feeling exhausted, powerless, lost, angry, fearful, desolate and despairing of any solution.

Our job in this lifetime is to learn and grow through both our negative and positive experiences, and our emotional and choice reactions to them.

Block Clearance Therapy is a logical system of clarity which takes you into a discussion with your subconscious mind to find out what its patterns and perceptions are, and then explore how, where and why they were created with the belief that these patterns would serve you and keep you safe.  The goal is to open our locked doors, take a good look inside and decide whether or not its time to throw away the keys.

Meet Our Therapists

“I have recommended BCT to a number of my friends, each one has called me immediately after their initial session to say thank you and to confirm that it has had an immediate impact.”   BG
“Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.”
“Block Clearance has been a life saver for me. I started the sessions and found the process so fascinating that I have continued by taking the courses. Block Clearance gives me the opportunity to recognise patterns in myself and in others. The non-judgemental approach means that I can change things responsibly without castigating myself or anyone else. It’s brilliant!”  SM

“A Native American elder once described his own inner struggle in this manner:  ‘Inside of me there are two dogs.  One of the dogs is mean and evil.  The other one is good.  The mean dog fights the good dog all the time’.
When asked which dog wins, he reflected for a moment and replied, ‘The one I feed the most’.”   Anon

“A neurotic person can be most simply described as someone who, while he was growing up,
learned ways of behaving that are self-defeating in his society.”  Margaret Mead

“A man who is master of himself can end a sorrow as easily as he can invent a pleasure.”   Oscar Wilde
“Put simply, Block Clearance Therapy has transformed my life.”  Adam


“Our spirit is often led astray by its own delusions; it is even frightened by its own work, believes that it sees what it fears and in the horror of night sees at last the objects which itself has produced.”   Voltaire

“A Mathematician…has no material to work with but ideas, and so his patterns are likely to last longer,
since ideas wear less with time than words.”   G.H. Hardy

“Every perception is an acquired perception.”   William James
“Block Clearance Therapy helped me to recognise the aspects of my self that I needed to explore, understand and improve. This has lead to a substantial improvement in my quality of life and I am certainly a more balanced person.”   Grace
“It is easier to understand mankind in general than any individual man.”   Francois de La Rochefoucauld
“The childhood shows the man   As morning shows the day.”   John Milton
“The frustration, anger and aggression that I wrestled with for so much of my life has disappeared, I am taking responsibility for my decisions in life and have discovered so much more about the world since BCT helped to open up my mind.”  HF


“Neither physical science or psychology can ever ‘explain’ human consciousness.  To me then, human consciousness lies outside of science, and it is here that I seek the relationship between God and man.”   Sir Nevil F Mott

“I am convinced that an important stage of human thought will have been reached when the physiological and the psychological, the objective and the subjective, are actually united, when the tormenting conflicts or contradictions between my consciousness and my body will have been factually resolved or discarded.”
Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

“The dream is a little hidden door in the innermost and most secret recesses of the psyche, opening into the cosmic night which was psyche long before there was an ego-consciousness, and which will remain psyche no matter how far our ego-consciousness may extend.”   Carl Jung

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Block Clearance FAQs

Can BCT work with children2020-06-04T16:09:06+01:00

99% of Children visualise brilliantly and they find being able to “see” fascinating. Because children usually want what ever is bothering them to “stop” or to “change” they open themselves to an experience that works with no pre conceived ideas.

BCT does not take part in the culture of “blame”. We look for the issue that is causing concern, the lessons to learned from that issue, the patterns that have been set up during that process and how to take self responsibility for growth. We also look for what is the reality of an issue and what is the perception of the issue and work to show the subconscious/conscious how to distinguish the difference. We will not work with children in past life before they are 16 years old.

Does BCT work with Past Life?2020-06-09T21:44:37+01:00

Some people believe in past life and some do not. Using BCT you do have the amazing ability to journey back through your subconscious into your akashic records. These hold your entire soul journey!  You can work with BCT  to access blocks and their lessons only within this lifetime. It also offers the chance to go further should you so choose.

How many sessions will I need2020-06-04T16:23:00+01:00

This depends entirely on the number of issues you wish to deal with and to the depth of understanding you wish to reach. Each of us has a unique soul journey. You can choose to discover the outer layers or choose to unravel your entire journey.

When people come for a specific problem they are now encountering in their life sometimes one session will offer them a clear understanding. For others four or five sessions will be needed. There is no set “time limit”. Each of us learns at a different pace and in a different way. The object of a BCT therapist is to reach the point of understanding for each individual as quickly as possible. You are in charge and can book appointments as you feel necessary.

I cannot remember my childhood, how would I know what to deal with2020-06-09T21:47:45+01:00

BCT requires no memory of childhood, upon hearing your life patterns our BCT therapists work with your subconscious to direct us back to an age and once we have entered that age we are shown the issue.

I live abroad; is it possible for me to have an intensive block of BCT sessions2020-06-09T21:41:10+01:00

All of our Block Clearance Therapists offer Skype and Zoom sessions.  We work with clients from all over the world, as well as working with UK based clients that are unable to travel to the centre for whatever reason.

What if I can’t “see”2020-06-04T16:19:58+01:00

Close your eyes and remember a happy moment in your life. As you remember this moment pay attention to how it makes you feel. Does it make you smile? Or make you feel warm inside? You may remember snippets of conversation or that it was raining or sunny. This is the ability to “see”.

Do you remember the saying, “I just saw red!”

Some people “see” in thought. They “think” their scene rather than “seeing” it. Thoughts just appear in their mind. Some people “see” when they feel. If asked what colour that feeling was, they might say red.

If you have an overriding fear of “seeing” it is within our ability to be able to see for you. Our job is then to move you forward by removing whatever it is that you are afraid to see so that you will be able to see for yourself.

What if I don’t want you to be able to “see” inside me2020-06-04T16:20:30+01:00

Remember, the main job of your subconscious is to keep you safe. Your subconscious will not show us anything you/it does not want us to see.

What is Karma?2020-06-09T21:52:13+01:00

Karma is an eastern term used to express the scientific law of cause and effect. Our actions in one lifetime need to be balanced through our actions within subsequent lifetimes.

What will my session be like?2020-06-09T18:49:20+01:00

Sessions typically last around 90 minutes.

We start by discussing the types of issues you wish to address.
Some clients come with very specific areas they want to look at. Others come not really knowing why they are there,
but when we start to talk, the right things will always find a way to come out.

Based on our initial conversation, we can then formulate a question to ask your subconscious,
to allow us to understand a specific issue or “block” that is affecting your life or holding you back.

We access your subconscious through a visualisation process. 
This process enables us to understand what situation created the issue or block, and why, until now,
your subconscious believes it is important to hold onto your current belief system.

You will be fully aware of everything during the visualisation process.
Everyone visualises differently – there is no right or wrong way.
Some people see things in their mind, some people hear things, others just feel things.
The most important thing to remember is you can’t get it wrong – even if you think you are just making things up –
your subconscious knows what these “things” mean, even if you don’t.

Once the visualisation is complete, we use positive affirmations to reinforce to the subconscious that this block has been cleared.

We will only do a visualisation if you (and your subconscious) are ready.
We never override or work against what your subconscious is telling us – you are always in control.
If visualisation is not appropriate, we will spend time helping you to understand consciously what patterns
you want to address and agree next steps to help your subconscious prepare for this.

Please Note

All sessions are strictly confidential.

If you are currently using drugs such as heroin, cocaine or marijuana, it is essential that you have not used within a 12 hour period before any visualisation work.


Will I be Hypnotised2020-06-04T16:16:01+01:00

BCT works very differently than Hypnosis. Hypnosis works on an override system. In hypnosis the client is taken “down” to allow the therapist to take control of the subconscious.

With BCT we do not hypnotise or take control. BCT works through a processes of visualisation that leaves you a background awareness of your surroundings. At any point you can open your eyes, move your hands and feet, or stop the process.

BCT takes you “up” to your subconscious. There you deal directly with an issue that you see for yourself. Having understood the issue and the emotional pattern behind it, you can then make effective choices to promote the changes you seek.

Will I have to re-live my trauma2020-06-04T16:19:09+01:00

BCT does believe that the emotion associated with an event is extremely important. BCT acknowledges the emotion, but does so from the perspective of “a fly on the wall”. You will see yourself in the situation, you will understand the emotion, but you have the distance of “one step removed”. Some individuals do become emotional during the clearing but as the lesson is understood the emotion clears into one of relief. At no time is a client left in subconscious/conscious distress.

Take some time. Nurture yourself. You deserve it.

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