Tricia Sterry
Tricia Sterry
Patricia is a woman driven in her passion to understand the workings and interaction between the conscious and subconscious mind.
Patricia began her medical journey by studying research pathology at Guy’s hospital London, and both Leeds and Edinburgh Universities. By the age of 25 she had won the Queen’s Award with her team for her research on the brain. This research led to her understanding that the Brain was an extraordinary, complex, multi layered organ that had far more functions than just our 3D physical world.
Gathering information on the physical brain increased her fascination with patterns and codes. A PhD in Psychology brought invaluable understanding while adding to her frustration with the limitations of systems that categorise instead of individualise the human being.
In 1985 Patricia developed a centre for children who had been born blind and deaf. Her work and research with these amazing children confirmed in her mind that each soul has an individual journey.
Counselling victims and perpetrators of abuse, working with people experiencing the life crisis of addictions, the death of loved ones, the anxiety of financial worry, the disappointment of relationships; all these brought home to her the absolute necessity of helping the individual both in dealing with the emotion involved in trauma and understanding the individual patterns that contribute to those lessons.
Having been born into a family of spiritualists she had experienced the work of trance mediums from an early age. Her work had brought her to a point of looking for physical evidence of the spiritual connections and of her own innate abilities to “see”.
She continued her studies adding further certification to her medical degree with “Distinction” in Reflexology and Herbalism, and in 1984 she took on the role of placing alternative therapists within the NHS.
In 1986 Tricia went to teach with Doris Stokes and Harry Edwards at the Psychic College in London, and together with them wrote the code of conduct for psychics in the UK.
By 1989 Tricia had created the system we know today as Block Clearance. This unique method addresses the interlinked physical, emotional, and spiritual systems within the conscious/subconscious mind.
In 2002, due to high demand, Tricia began teaching therapists the BCT system. These Qualified BCT Therapists are licensed, insured, and work under a code of conduct.
2005 saw the creation of The Block Clearance Foundation which offers BCT Workshops, Personal Discovery courses and licensed training of BCT therapists.
In 2006 Tricia worked with Firescape in a program which offers a way forward for pupils who have been excluded from school. It also signalled the move of The Tree of Life Centre.
In 2007 Tricia established the Tree of Life Centre here at Lower Court to provide the wide range of therapies and highly skilled therapists who work here today.

“I came from a family where there was always someone at fault, something you or someone else had done wrong.
I realise now we lived in a home of either blame or guilt. What was amazing about working with Tricia was that for the first time, all the things that had happened in my life were more than ‘bad’ or ‘good’.
She showed me a process that allowed me to see how the puzzle fits together. It’s fascinating, empowering, and it has changed my life.”
“Tricia and Block Clearance Therapy have been a revelation to me and done more than anything I have encountered in this lifetime to give me understanding of my soul’s journey. I have learned love, confidence and strength beyond my expectations. Through BCT, Tricia continues to guide me on a happier, more fulfilling path and has empowered me with a growing knowledge of our spiritual connections. BCT is invaluable to all who would know the satisfaction of spiritual, emotional and physical well being, and want to enjoy the celebration of life that goes with following the heart.”