Rosen Method
Rosen Method
About Rosen Method
Rosen Method explores how our bodies have been shaped both physically and emotionally by the experiences and challenges in our lives.
We may sense from our environment that our spontaneous expression is not acceptable in some way so we learn to hold ourselves back/down/in through muscular tension which over time becomes a physical habit or automatic response. This is reflected in our posture, our gestures and in turn, is reflected in how we are in life.
This can be felt for example in the tension we hold in our shoulders or the feeling that we can’t get a full breath. We may have a sense that although we are functioning in the world there is somehow “more” of us to be rediscovered and reclaimed.
Rosen Method uses a touch that is soft, open, receptive, curious and insightful and when combined with quiet presence and sensitive dialogue it can bring profound relaxation and embodied self-awareness. By connecting with the tensions in our bodies in the present moment, often long-suppressed memories and feelings emerg
When the truth arises, our muscles and breath can begin to ease and over time we may begin to feel more flexible in both mind and body opening up the possibility to make choices in life that reflect our deeper values and desires.
There can also be a building sense of peace and safety within ourselves and from that place we can open up to experience joy and a deep connection to others.
This work is about becoming more alive!

“I have found the sessions to be a truly spiritual experience and I am already feeling lighter and more joyful.”
“I have felt over time that I am beginning to open up to myself, my friends and family. I feel a sense of space within and I no longer have the knotted tummy and tight holding that I was so used to, I feel like I can just breathe.”
“I love the Rosen approach; it has reached depths and helped me heal in ways years of searching among therapies and spiritual practices simply hasn’t.My hyperactive monkey-mind is quietened and the truth I hold in my body given permission to be. I cannot convey in words how profound and powerful a blessing that is.”