Medical Reflexology2021-05-04T15:25:56+01:00

Medical Reflexology

Medical Reflexology

About Medical Reflexology

Medical Reflexology is a holistic treatment based on the knowledge that we have nerve endings in the feet that correlate and connect to all parts of the physical body. This allows medical reflexologists to track and adjust these systems from the feet.

By using a specific compression technique upon the point the nerve ending, we can detect imbalance and release the congestion that stops your system working effectively and efficiently.

The aim of a medical reflexologist is to move this congestion and direct the toxins and wasted into the bowel for elimination. This then allows for:

  • Nutrients to absorbed efficiently
  • Tension in the nervous system to be broken down and stress released
  • The activity of the circulatory system to be increased

Examples of areas that can be treated using medical reflexology include

  • Blood circulation and the lymphatic system
  • Digestive disorders and constipation
  • Hormone imbalance causing menstrual, infertility, menopause or prostate problems
  • Stress and fatigue
  • Migraines and skin conditions
  • Sinus problems
  • Backache and back problems
  • Relief during pregnancy – for both Mum and baby

All ages, from birth onwards can benefit from medical reflexology. There are a few conditions that must be treated with caution – however our therapists know exactly what they are and what to do during treatment.

Meet Our Therapist

Tricia Sterry
Tricia Sterry
“The mind and body are not separate, what affects one reflects the other.”
“Walk as if you are kissing the earth with your feet.”  ~ Thitch Naht Hahn

Reflexology FAQs

How can reflexology help my Hormones2020-06-04T16:30:52+01:00

The hormone system becomes sluggish for a variety of reasons. Reflexology stimulates whole endocrine system enabling it to function far more efficiently.

I am overdue and heard you can induce the birth, is this true2020-06-04T16:29:34+01:00

Yes. You will need an experienced reflexologist who knows what they are doing. I would over-stimulate the pituitary gland as well as acupuncture points and all the glands involved in labour. This technique has proven to be very successful.

I am pregnant, how can you help me2020-06-04T16:29:07+01:00

Studies have been done which show that reflexology in pregnancy reduces blood pressure, keeps protein out of urine, therefore significantly reducing the risk of pre-eclampsia. It reduces the length of labour, helps with pain relief and strengthens the pelvic ligaments. It helps with the hormonal and emotional changes as well as sleep, nausea, backache, indigestion, sinuses, and much more. The deep relaxation which is experienced helps too, as the baby benefits from this with a relaxed and well balanced environment to develop in.

I have Cancer and do not want conventional treatment will you treat me2020-06-04T16:34:00+01:00

Our team believe totally in personal choice. We will discuss all options but will not try to persuade you against your choice at any time.

I have Cancer and want to do both conventional and holistic treatment will you help2020-06-04T16:33:27+01:00

Absolutely! We work with many clients who elect to take conventional drugs but want more support outside of their treatment.

I have heard reflexology can be harmful to pregnant women, is this true2020-06-04T16:28:34+01:00

No. With an experienced reflexologist, it is excellent for pregnant women. Studies have been carried out showing how the treatment can reduce blood pressure, help to break down and expel protein in the urine, help with the vast hormonal and emotional changes and reduce labour time by half! In my experience, labours I have attended using reflexology as pain relief, women giving birth for the first time have done so in eight hours!

I wake up as tired as I go to sleep can you help me2020-06-04T16:31:53+01:00

Lethargy is very often caused by our fast-paced life style, eating the wrong foods, not enough sleep and trying to burn the candle at both ends. With reflexology we are able to gently relax the whole system and see if there is more of an underlying problem of congestion.

My feet are so cold they feel as if they are going to fall off could you stop this2020-06-04T16:32:27+01:00

Cold feet are very often caused by poor circulation. Reflexology is brilliant for stimulating blood flow to the extremities therefore warming them up.

My stomach is so swollen that I sometimes feel pregnant can you tell me why2020-06-04T16:31:21+01:00

Through reflexology we are able to detect exactly where the bowel is congested and what it is not digesting. With the right dietary and supplement advice it is very possible to get the bowel working efficiently once more.

What are the benefits for a new baby in reflexology2020-06-04T16:30:16+01:00

Babies respond quickly to treatment. Reflexology can help colic, sleep issues, digestive problems, asthma, and eczema; all which lead to an unsettled baby.

Will I be told to stop my conventional medication2020-06-04T16:32:58+01:00

No reflexologist on our team will ever advise you to stop your medication. We work in conjunction with any prescribed drugs.

Will I feel pain in my body2020-06-04T16:34:55+01:00

Very few people experience pain in their body through the treatment, but some do experience strange sensations in corresponding areas.

Will I have any after effects of my treatment2020-06-04T16:35:24+01:00

We will ask you to drink plenty of water after treatment, as a concentrated toxin release can bring on a headache. If we have been concentrating on the bowel you may experience a slight upset stomach for a day or two after treatment.

Will treatment hurt2020-06-04T16:34:26+01:00

When we hit a point of congestion you may well feel a sharp pain in your foot.

Take some time. Nurture yourself. You deserve it.

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