


IntereX works on PAIN

InterX is a highly advanced form of non-invasive interactive neurostimulation (NIN) for relief of pain of any origin. From a simple sprain to chronic severe pain caused by CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome) or phantom limb pain, treatment with InterX Therapy can yield phenomenal results. Originally designed by the Russian space programme to keep astronauts in peak health, it is safe for both adults and children.

InterX uses electrical impulses to energise the bodies own communication via the brain and nerve pathways. It interactively communicates with the body’s nervous system and jump starts the body to heal itself, providing natural pain relief without side effects.

Unlike a Tens machine, IntereX technology is able to provide an interactive response to impedance (resistance) changes in the skin. The electrical impulses from the device or attachments adjust dynamically as the device encounters changes in the skin contacting the electrodes. The InterX device continues to adjust the stimulation as the body responds and reflects its changes in the nervous system communicated through the skin.

Remarkable results have been proven by peer review studies in hospitals and sports injury clinics worldwide, especially when used in treatments with a highly qualified practitioner.

A course is typically 6 treatments, but can be less depending on the injury.

A few examples of what conditions can be treated include:

  • Acute or sporting injuries
  • Post-operative pain
  • Chronic long term pain
  • Muscular and skeletal injuries
  • Back, neck, shoulder and joint pain
  • Arthritis, fibromyalgia, IBS and sciatica
  • Migraine, period pain, trigeminal neuralgia and CRPS

Recently we have been using IntereX in conjunction with FlexBEAM and they are a brilliant combination. We are seeing a fantastic response in pain control as well as enhancement of the speed and the quality of healing. So exciting!

Meet Our Therapists

Zulia Frost
Zulia Frost
Maxine Bocock
Maxine Bocock

“My pain levels before treatment were crippling – definitely a 10.  I could barely move, sit or stand.  I was sceptical to say the least about how effective a 20 minute treatment could be, but I had nothing to lose.

20 minutes later, I was almost pain free.  I could still feel a weakness in my lower back, but the pain had almost gone. After a course of 6 treatments over the next few weeks, I felt as good as new.  I have recommended this treatment to many of my friends.  It is revolutionary.”

“I was sceptical about the treatment at first.  I was always popping painkillers for my lower back, which was in agony in the mornings, mobility was hopeless and the pain was disabling at 8/10 every day for the last 4 years.  Since once course of treatments, I no longer notice any pain at all.  It has made a significant difference.  It definitely works.”

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InterX FAQs

How will I feel after a treatment?2020-07-27T08:52:39+01:00
Typically pain is lessened and people often report feeling, “sleepy”…or relaxed. You may also feel thirsty & it’s important to keep your fluid levels up as the body needs good
hydration levels after treatment. You’ll probably feel grounded, warm, and experience an improved sense of wellbeing & peace.
A Chronic injury can react differently.  Sometimes Interx can cause an aggravation to a site of chronic injury. This is a good sign as it gives the central nervous system an opportunity to finish the healing process.
I can’t sleep. Will treatment help?2020-07-27T08:49:32+01:00

IntereX works on the parasympathetic nervous system, calming down agitated nervous systems and allowing relaxation and healing to commence.

I have a sports injury. Which therapy will suit me best?2020-08-10T20:03:04+01:00

InterX is tremendous at reducing pain while speeding up the healing of acute injuries. Combine IntereX with Flexbeam to improve blood flow and you will be amazed at how quickly you can return to training.

I have awful menopausal symptoms and I’m at my wits end. Please help!2020-08-10T21:39:39+01:00

Acupuncture, InterX, Chinese Herbs, and small diet/ lifestyle changes can support you and have a dramatic effect on mood swings, hot flushes and sweats, insomnia, and muscle pains ~ all of which are part of the climacteric symptoms and can begin months or even years before your periods stop and last around 4 years after your last period, although some women experience them for much longer (it’s not called the change for nothing!)

I have been diagnosed with anxiety and depression. Could I use acupuncture instead of prescription medication?2020-08-06T11:01:34+01:00

A combination of Acupuncture, Herbs & InterX work together powerfully to restore balance to your mood and help you feel more able to cope with life.

I have cancer. Can I have InterX treatments?2020-08-10T21:28:31+01:00
You can have InterX treatments in some areas on your body while you have active cancer, but not on zones which are on, or affect, your tumour site.  After you have received the “all clear” from your consultant, InterX and Flexbeam can become part of the recovery of your entire system.
I have serious period pains. Can InterX and Flexbeam help?2020-08-10T21:30:50+01:00

The combination of Flexbeam and InterX increase blood flow in the pelvic area and provide a pain relief that has delivered remarkable results.  Even women who experience the terrible pain of endometriosis created by an over dominance of oestrogen in the system find that the inflammation, and the gut adhesion’s and scarring that occurs with endometriosis begins to dissolve.  It takes time but feedback continues to be extremely positive.

I’m depressed and anxious. Can IntereX help?2020-08-10T21:22:40+01:00
Acupuncture, Flexbeam and InterX work powerfully together to restore your energy, balance your mood and help you feel more able to cope with life.  IntereX is famous for activating our parasympathetic system.  Sometimes we need help to get out of “Fight or Flight” mode and explain to the body on a cellular level that it is OK to be at peace.  The body can only heal when it is in a parasympathetic state.  Adrenalin can become our enemy when our brain forgets how to switch off. Relaxing our cells can be very the very stimulus that we need to find the energy to go on.
I’m low, I’ve got no energy, everything aches, and my sleep is awful. Can you help me?2020-08-10T21:34:05+01:00

When people push through exhaustion in their busy lives it can result in an imbalance of the central nervous system. InterX, Flexbeam, Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs are very effective at restoring your balance and personal resources.  InterX alone is famous for activating the parasympathetic system; which is associated with feeling calm, reducing heart palpitations, improving digestion, and reducing inflammation.  Add Flexbeam to give your body the energy of light and electricity and charge the Mitochondria to create more ATP. Add herbs and acupuncture and all systems can be “GO”!

Isn’t INTERX just like TENS?2020-07-27T08:54:54+01:00
They’re both hand held devices, they both work on batteries & are electrical but there the similarity dramatically stops!
TENS works on blocking pain gates: effectively closing down communication between the area of pain & your central nervous system.
That works for awhile, until the brain figures out what its doing and turns its effectiveness off.
Interx works with your brain.  IntereX creates a dialogue between your site of pain and your central nervous system; changing the impulses on varied levels
to enable continued stimulation of the production of natural painkillers, move electricity through blockages in the body, and to allow the body to speed up its own recovery.
What is Mitochondria?2020-08-10T20:31:25+01:00

Mitochondria are your cellular energy generators.  Flexbeam creates both Red Light (625-635nm) and Near Infared Light (810-850).  These two wave lengths of light enter the cell’s mitochondria through “Optical Windows” which open on 2 varied depths where it is absorbed by the chromophores (including the protein cytochrome coxidase (CCO), and EZ water).   This results in increased cell activity.  As a result of this highlighted activity, three molecules are affected: Adenosine Triphosphate(ATP), which increases the cell’s ability to fight infection and accelerates the healing process, Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) which impacts cellular repair and healing, and Nitric Oxide (NO) which increases circulation, decreases inflammation and enhances the transport of oxygen and immune cells through tissue.  Wow!

Will I have to stop my medication?2020-07-27T08:53:29+01:00
There is no contraindication to receiving treatment alongside conventional medicine. The use of certain medications such as painkillers and anti-inflammatories can make Interx treatment less effective. Treatment can help you feel so much better that you want to ditch those drugs.   In many instances people are able to stop taking certain medications they have been on for years – such as antidepressants or anti-anxiety medication.  However, you should ALWAYS discuss any changes of medication with your GP or consultant.  You should NOT stop taking medications which are for chronic disease such as diabetes and heart problems.
Will it hurt?2020-07-27T08:54:10+01:00
Interx feels ‘tingly’, like little ants nipping your skin: some people report this feels
pleasant!  The intensity can be changed in a second and is continually monitored to find the right level for you.

Take some time. Nurture yourself. You deserve it.

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