Empower your Body to Heal itself
with the worlds most advanced Red Light therapy device.
Medical science has undergone a revolution in understanding the fundamental view of how our bodies work.
We are not just made of biochemical matter. We are charged energy beings.
Your body operates like a battery. The surfaces in your body ~ such as membranes, proteins, and DNA ~ are all charged, negatively or positively ~ depending on whether they gain or lose electrons. In fact, 55-79% of your bodyweight and 99% of your body’s molecules are made of this charged water.
By improving the flow of charged electrons we can re-energise multiple body systems:
Fascia, Gut/Brain Axis, the Immune, Circulatory, and Nervous Systems and Stem cells.
Red Light Therapy is effective in:
- Relieving Pain ~ targeting the root cause of the pain not just suppressing the symptoms
- Repairing Skin ~ enhancing skin elasticity and production of collagen and speeding up healing of wounds and scars
- Reviving Immunity ~ by stimulating the bodies natural anti-inflammatory molecules
- Reducing Inflammation ~ releases nitric oxide and melatonin for a powerful antimicrobial effect to help prevent infection by viruses and bacteria
- Regaining Performance ~ reduce DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) and give your body increased energy and endurance before and after exercise
The Flexbeam difference is its unique flexibility and ability to deliver red light in Pulsing and Synergistic wavelengths and varied depths
to stimulate the body’s natural anti-inflammatory molecules with a powerful targeted approach.
Here at the Centre you can combine this amazing tool with professional treatment with our skilled therapists, personal devices,
and online related workshops presented by Dr. Zulia Frost, Flexbeam’s Clinical Director.
Zulia is a woman who is passionate about exploring and teaching new innovative therapeutic technologies.
Her accumulated experience in both mainstream and alternative medicine, along with her personal care and understanding
of energy work has led many people to experience exceptional results.
Find out what Tennis star Casper Ruud has to say…
Purchase your new FLEXBEAM here!
Enter treeoflifecentre as your Coupon Code to receive a $60* discount on your new FLEXBEAM!
60 days money back guarantee
Worldwide International Shipping
5 Year Warranty
* For customers in the UK, currency will automatically be converted depending on the current exchange rate
Purchase your new FLEXBEAM here!
Enter treeoflifecentre as your Coupon Code to receive a $60* discount on your new FLEXBEAM!
60 days money back guarantee
Worldwide International Shipping
5 Year Warranty
* For customers in the UK, currency will automatically be converted depending on the current exchange rate

“My pain levels before treatment were crippling – definitely a 10. I could barely move, sit or stand. I was sceptical to say the least about how effective a 20 minute treatment could be, but I had nothing to lose.
20 minutes later, I was almost pain free. I could still feel a weakness in my lower back, but the pain had almost gone. After a course of 6 treatments over the next few weeks, I felt as good as new. I have recommended this treatment to many of my friends. It is revolutionary.”
“I was sceptical about the treatment at first. I was always popping painkillers for my lower back, which was in agony in the mornings, mobility was hopeless and the pain was disabling at 8/10 every day for the last 4 years. Since once course of treatments, I no longer notice any pain at all. It has made a significant difference. It definitely works.”
Absolutely! Beaming red light and near-infrared light onto cells creates a short, low-dose metabolic stress that builds up the anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and natural defence systems
of the cells, making the body stronger and more resilient to infections.
InterX is tremendous at reducing pain while speeding up the healing of acute injuries. Combine IntereX with Flexbeam to improve blood flow and you will be amazed at how quickly you can return to training.
We are at the cutting edge of science. Only months have passed since the recent discovery of free Mitochondria which live in our blood and extra cellular space. Red light therapy can be transferred through this circulating blood, the lymphatic system, and the nervous system for global effect.
And then, there is Fascia. Fascia is the long overlooked but absolutely crucial interconnecting organ of the human body. Fascia is primarily made from hydrated collagen – protein chains in a triple helix formation surrounded by water, with a capacity to generate an electric charge in response to applied mechanical stress (piezoelectric). The bio-electrical nature of this collagen-rich matrix is the key to understanding how pathological changes in one part of the body may cause a cascade of ‘remote’ effects in seemingly unrelated areas and organ systems.
The therapeutic effect of red light energy can be carried through our fascia network to other parts of our body where it is needed. This in turn elevates the body’s capacity to communicate via this charged matrix, in a positive feedback loop. Only now are we beginning to scientifically explain how the well known energy meridians of traditional Chinese medicine may actually be low resistance pathways operating through the fascia conveying energy to the rest of the body.
Flexbeam, new on the market only since March 2020, is a cutting edge result of this scientific technological understanding.
Acupuncture, InterX, Chinese Herbs, and small diet/ lifestyle changes can support you and have a dramatic effect on mood swings, hot flushes and sweats, insomnia, and muscle pains ~ all of which are part of the climacteric symptoms and can begin months or even years before your periods stop and last around 4 years after your last period, although some women experience them for much longer (it’s not called the change for nothing!)
The combination of Flexbeam and InterX increase blood flow in the pelvic area and provide a pain relief that has delivered remarkable results. Even women who experience the terrible pain of endometriosis created by an over dominance of oestrogen in the system find that the inflammation, and the gut adhesion’s and scarring that occurs with endometriosis begins to dissolve. It takes time but feedback continues to be extremely positive.
The nervous system is a complex electrical system, including the brain and spinal cord. It collects, processes and responds to input of energy – be it light, sound, heat or pressure – and it relays these messages to the brain and around the body. The peripheral nerves can be damaged by infection or high sugar levels in the case of diabetic neuropathy.
Red light therapy is being explored as a promising drug free therapy for all kinds of nerve damage.
Red light energy affects the nervous system in several
crucial ways:
• Myelination of fibres and a better lamellar organization of the myelin sheath.
• Improvement of electro-physiological function.
• Facilitation of neural regeneration.
• Release of growth factors.
• Increase of vascular network and collagen.
• Faster regeneration of nerve lesions and functional improvement of damaged nerves.
We have had patients who have made amazing steps forward with the use of Flexbeam and we can recommend you try it for yourself.
Red Light therapy has become a hot topic in sports and performance. Not only is it safe and non-toxic – it yields rapid and lasting results in many areas of application.
Besides the overwhelmingly beneficial effects on health overall, red light therapy supports muscle growth and repair by increasing the amount of ATP available, which allows for better performance and faster recovery. Red Light therapy used before training is known to prepare and strengthen the body, and after physical exertion to help with recovery. 10 minutes before workout sessions and 10 minutes after warm down sessions can have a remarkable effect.
When people push through exhaustion in their busy lives it can result in an imbalance of the central nervous system. InterX, Flexbeam, Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs are very effective at restoring your balance and personal resources. InterX alone is famous for activating the parasympathetic system; which is associated with feeling calm, reducing heart palpitations, improving digestion, and reducing inflammation. Add Flexbeam to give your body the energy of light and electricity and charge the Mitochondria to create more ATP. Add herbs and acupuncture and all systems can be “GO”!
Red Light therapy has been shown to aid the functioning of the circulatory system and increase micro-circulation of blood, one of the most recognised and well documented
effects of this therapy. Red light stimulates the formation of new capillaries carrying more oxygen to the body. A good oxygen supply is intricately involved in numerous biological processes, including cell proliferation, angiogenesis, and protein synthesis, which are required for restoration of tissue function and integrity.
Increased circulation allows waste products to be carried away more effectively. It triggers and heightens the body’s own process of scavenging for, and ingesting degenerated cells for the purpose of clean-up. In fact, increased micro-circulation of blood is thought to be the most vital function for healing the body for almost every illness, and for general well-being. Nutrient-rich blood and efficient waste removal is strongly linked to good health. So yes, we are pleased to say, it will!
Mitochondria are your cellular energy generators. Flexbeam creates both Red Light (625-635nm) and Near Infared Light (810-850). These two wave lengths of light enter the cell’s mitochondria through “Optical Windows” which open on 2 varied depths where it is absorbed by the chromophores (including the protein cytochrome coxidase (CCO), and EZ water). This results in increased cell activity. As a result of this highlighted activity, three molecules are affected: Adenosine Triphosphate(ATP), which increases the cell’s ability to fight infection and accelerates the healing process, Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) which impacts cellular repair and healing, and Nitric Oxide (NO) which increases circulation, decreases inflammation and enhances the transport of oxygen and immune cells through tissue. Wow!
One of the most natural ways to recharge the body. It is a non-invasive, non-toxic and non-traumatic method of returning to us the light that our body now lacks due to working long hours within indoor environments. Naturally Red light is offered outside at sunrise and sunset and enters our body in waves; Red Light 600-650nm and Near Infared Light 750-850nm. Flexbeam offers our body a replacement of this energy in a way that it understands and can absorb.
Red Light 625-635nm penetrates .05 centimetres into the skin. Near Infared Light (NIR) 810-150 penetrates 10 centimetres into the body. Both waves boost the formulation of collagen and elastin, and assist cell communication. They stimulate healing, increase cell function, and improve blood flow and tissue oxygenation by using the two diverse “Optical Windows” that Mitochondria leave open to accept energy into the body.
The gut-brain axis links the emotional and cognitive centres of the brain with peripheral intestinal functions. Red light energy applied to the abdomen area can therefore influence mood and neuropsychological issues via several mechanisms:
- Reduction in bowel inflammation and gut spasms.
• Stimulation of neurotransmitters and hormones in the gut including serotonin, leptin and ghrelin.
• Modulation of the microbiome. The microbes in the gut are sensitive to light energy and respond to light energy with differences in growth, migration and proliferation of the
different species.
• Increasing availability of neurotransmitters, activating the brain’s immune system, increased blood flow and removal of toxins. - Increased blood circulation and reduced blood pressure leading to a reduction of anxiety and brain fog.
• Modulation of the vagus nerve, one of the biggest nerves connecting the gut and brain. This plays an important role in stress and social communication, communicating motor and sensory impulses to every organ in the body.
An increase in ATP, the main energy source of the majority of the cellular functions, increases the cell’s ability to fight infection and accelerates the healing process.
The modulation of ROS activates transcription factors positively impacting cellular repair and healing.
The release of NO, a potent vasodilator, increases circulation, decreases inflammation and enhances the transport of oxygen and immune cells through the tissue.