Alignment Coaching
Alignment Coaching
Alignment Coaching – embracing our mental, physical and spiritual practice.
Activating positive change and transformation.
Alignment coaching brings a calm and clarity to your mind and provides an opportunity for you to understand and experience more clearly the truth of your being. Paul works with you to understand and meet your needs from where you are right now, on a physical, mental and spiritual level. Paul encourages a sharing of a relaxed and open dialogue and provides a loving, nonjudgmental and safe space for you to express yourself and explore your thinking, behaviours and practices.
Sessions encourage a clearer mind that will enable you to recognise the effects of your current thinking and behaviour. New choices and practice can then be identified and brought into your life. The key to breaking long term habit patterns that are causing discomfort on any level, is specific, appropriate and consistent practice. Paul is committed to sharing this holistic understanding and practice with you, helping you move beyond fear and awaken to a healthy, fulfilled and joyful life.

“Dysfunctional muscles are generally not diseased,
aging, or broken. They are starved of motion.”
~ Pete Egoscue
“It is through the alignment of the body that I discovered the alignment of my mind, self and intelligence.” BKS Iyengar
“Negative thoughts are the single worst health habit.” ~ Pete Egoscue
“It is perfectly acceptable to have a physical problem in our culture, but people tend to shy away from anything that has to do with the emotions.” ~ John E. Sarno
“Until you recognize the need, the absolute requirement for taking responsibility, you will not succeed. Once you do accept the responsibility, however, the Egoscue Method never fails. Never. No drugs, no surgery, no machines, no miracles. Just You. A normal person, doing normal things.” ~ Pete Egoscue
“The task of leadership is to create an alignment of strengths so strong that it makes the system’s weaknesses irrelevant.” Peter Drucker
“Pain is not something to be feared; it is something to be understood.” ~ Pete Egoscue
“Your alignment affects your perception.”
Graham Hicks