“Our future depends on how much we have learned from our Pasts.”

Many of us believe that as souls we choose
to reincarnate many times.

First, we decide what we want to learn from the myriad
of emotional lessons available on the earth plane.
Then, we create the lives and the experiences
we believe will be our best teachers.

Past Life journeying gives us
the extraordinary opportunity to revisit,
review and re-balance our Akashic records.

Being able to do this safely
is what working with highly skilled
Block Clearance Therapists is all about.

  • What we visualise is a gift from our soul.
  • How we interpret this gift is of paramount importance.
  • But it is in the understanding of how these subconscious blocks and patterns are affecting our current lifetime behaviours and choices, that we are enabled to move forward with courage and confidence.
Topics Past life Tree of Life Centre Cheltenham gloucestershire

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Mar 31 @ 19:30 - 20:30

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