
Muladhara Chakra Workshop with Jo Cornwall

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I am safe, I am home, I am grounded

Rooted in strength; an introductory workshop dedicated to exploring and understand the root chakra.

Known as Muladhara in Sanskrit, this is the foundation of our energy system governing our safety, security and stability.

In the workshop we will gain

  • A deeper understanding of the significance of this chakra on our overall wellbeing
  • Recognition of  signs of over and under activity causing feelings of insecurity and fear
  • Practical exercise to balance and strengthen this chakra
  • The ability of cultivate resilience empowering us to navigate challenges
  • The ability to integrate healing practices into your life to support balance and vitality

To register for this workshop or find out more please contact Jo on jo@treeoflifecentre.co.uk or call her on 07557 386 371.

Meet Jo

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