
Exploring the Energy Fields of the Body

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  • Pendulums and the mystery behind them. Using pendulums for allergy testing – discover what or who you are allergic to: emotionally and physically. Using pendulums for self-questioning. Learn how to “ask” your pendulum.

  • Working with the seven chakra system. Learn how these chakras spin, whether they are correctly balanced, and how to re-balance and cleanse blockages which lead to illness and lack of intuition.

  • Meridian lines and energy fields, derived from Chinese acupuncture; understanding the structure and interaction of meridian lines shows us where we hold physical blocks within our bodies.

  • Many people say, “I can’t see!”. Every person can see! Discover how you see.

  • Intuition and confidence exercises. Techniques to enhance visualisation.

  • ClairaudienceClairvoyance, and Clairsentience. Discover how to develop these skills and enhance your strongest gift.

  • Basic Psychometry. Develops your ability to link to another person’s energy through an object they have worn.

In our search to understand the connection of our physical and spiritual selves we often ask for “proof” that energies do exist. In day one of this course, Patricia Sterry explores pendulum techniques that enable us to experience visual confirmation of the physical and spiritual energies that flow through our bodies.

Day two finds you bringing this understanding to the development of “inner sight”; imagery within the third eye. Exercises and visualisation techniques are combined to strengthen our perceptive intuition and psychic abilities.

Reserve your slot now!  All weekend workshops run from 10am to 5pm on both Saturday and Sunday.

Should you have any questions about these workshops prior to booking,  feel free to contact us on courses@treeoflifecentre.co.uk or call us on 01242 680 450

We look forward to seeing you there!

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